Environmental Protection
Green technologies. Sustainable supply. Responsible operations.
In today's world, production, consumption, and waste activities are leading to unsustainable effects on nature and human health, surpassing the carrying capacity of our planet. In order to address these issues, EPTA aims to balance the relationship between our planet and human culture, based on the concept of sustainable development by the United Nations and the European Union's Green Deal. Our company policy adopts and implements strategies aligned with these global goals to ensure the continuity of society and nature.
Combating and Adapting to Climate Change
- Corporate Carbon Footprint
- Energy efficiency
- Renewable energy
- Waste Reduction and Recycling
- Saving on water
- Sustainable Supply Chain
- Life Cycle Assessment

Güven Terzioğlu
Genel Müdür
Message from the General Manager
Dear Stakeholders,
It is evident that with the current economic model, further progress is no longer feasible on a global scale. Issues such as the global energy crisis, raw material procurement, and global climate change indicate the need for us to reconsider our way of doing business.
Therefore, we should view sustainability efforts, which have been on the agenda in recent years, as an opportunity to create value. We must develop a lifestyle and economic model based on reducing, reusing, and recycling. By integrating this new model into our way of life and business practices, we can make our planet a more livable and sustainable place.
In this context, EPTA, taking into account the corporate carbon footprint values we have been following in 2021-2022, established a Sustainability Unit and started developing projects to reduce carbon emissions as of 2023. We are continuing feasibility studies such as the 400 kW Solar Energy System project and the Green Hydrogen Project initiated in 2023.
Based on the technical inspection report data conducted at the beginning of 2023, we have increased energy efficiency and reduced both costs and carbon emissions in our company by improving the energy efficiency of electric motors, air compressors, and electric welding furnaces under the KOSGEB Energy Efficiency Support Project.
EPTA will continue its efforts towards green production by addressing not only environmental sustainability but also social and economic sustainability issues.
We will continue to spread awareness that the world is not created solely for humans and that polar bears should not disappear.
Best Regards,
ISO 140001 Environmental Management System
Epta has evaluated its activities in the areas of climate change mitigation, energy management, water management, and waste management within the scope of responsible environmental management. Our company has obtained the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System certificate by fulfilling the requirements in these areas.

Ethic. Principled. Transparent.
Sustainability is deeply integrated into everything we do, from how we produce our products to how we work with our suppliers and support local communities.
Focusing on sustainable models and production improvement, EPTA rapidly implements social sustainability practices aimed not only at economic success but also at increasing social welfare through human rights, community-friendly practices, and environmental initiatives, thus leaving a more livable world for future generations.
Our understanding of social responsibility, one of the most important components of social sustainability, drives us to engage in activities that consider the needs of both the community and our employees.